New YouTubesday! 2 for 1 video drop

Two new announcements

Welcome back fellow investopreneurs to yet another YouTubesday!

This past week we celebrated our 300th issue of this newsletter & to say ‘thank you’ replaced our typical weekly poll with a $300 gift card… that being said, without a specific topic to dive deep on we decided to instead introduce two new concepts to our ecosystem.

Introducing our ‘Bootstrapping to Billions’ Podcast

We are looking to host weekly interviews and community based ‘ask me anything’ sessions with game changers who are building, buying, and investing in profit-led businesses & can help teach / train / equip us something new to implement on our own business journey.

If you are interested in being interviewed or know of someone who can share something of value — let us know!

Introducing our Community Capital Concept

One of the main reasons WHY we launched the several months back was to help build more meaningful relationships with more profit-led business owners that we can invest in over at 

That being said, we are now looking to explore a new community capital concept that will help us get more folks involved with our mission of providing the most affordable & flexible performance based capital of choice for SMBs.