Issue #139: Discovering Your 'Why' and Creating Your VPMOSA 💡

Realign with your North Star

Discovering Your 'Why' and Creating Your VPMOSA 💡 

Welcome fellow Investopreneurs to the first issue of our 4-week experiment as we look to improve how we deliver simple, profitable value to your inbox.

Today’s focus is on helping 10,000+ awesome people by realigning into your North Star to feel better clarity in your business and continually fill your tank as you pursue your why.

Based on last week’s poll, we will be testing out a shift from our daily newsletter format to a weekly newsletter structured in a way to get you actionable value fast.

As always, we will focus on structures, strategies, and frameworks to simplify your business + money to achieve your optimal life.

Your ‘Why’

Your 'why' is the bedrock of your motivation, the compelling force that will sustain you throughout the journey – through the thrills of victories and the lessons of setbacks.

Your 'why' isn’t about the money you will gain or the assets you will accumulate, though they are an integral part of the journey. Instead, it is about your purpose, your passion, and your ultimate goals in life. Are you driven by the desire to create a better life for your family? Is it about making a positive difference in your community, or even the world at large? Do you wish to create something unique, original, and impactful? Understanding your 'why' will provide you with a sense of direction and clarity that will become your guiding light on this journey.

As an investopreneur, your 'why' becomes the North Star in your decision-making process. It helps you to align your actions with your deepest values and aspirations. Remember, every successful investopreneur has a 'why' that transcends the simple desire for financial success. They are driven by a deeper, more profound purpose that gives meaning to their journey and, ultimately, their life.

Section 1: Discover Your 'Why'

Your 'Why' is the fundamental reason behind your ambition to become an investopreneur. This 'Why' will drive your journey and motivate you during challenging times. To discover your 'Why', answer the following questions:

  • What does success look like for you? (Be specific. This could be a certain lifestyle, financial independence, etc.)

  • What motivates you to wake up every morning and do what you do? (Is it your family? The desire to make a difference? Passion for a particular field?)

  • What personal experiences have influenced your decision to embark on this investopreneurial journey? (Did a particular event or person inspire you?)

  • What would achieving your investopreneurial goals mean for you and those around you? (How would it change your life and the lives of others?)

Your Why: Based on the above responses, summarize your 'Why' in a single, compelling statement. This will become the foundation of your investopreneurial journey.

Section 2: Create Your VPMOSA

The VPMOSA (Vision, Purpose, Mission, Objectives, Strategy, Action Plan) framework will help you define your business direction. Fill out the details for each part of the framework below:

Vision - This is your long-term desired change resulting from your company's work. It serves as the 'north star' guiding all of your actions.

  • My Vision: ________________________________________________________________

Purpose - This is the reason why your business exists. What does it aim to accomplish?

  • My Purpose: ________________________________________________________________

Mission - This is what your company does on a day-to-day basis to achieve its vision.

  • My Mission: ________________________________________________________________

Objectives - These are specific, measurable steps that you will take to achieve your mission.

  • Objective 1: ______________________________________________________

  • Objective 2: ______________________________________________________

  • Objective 3: ______________________________________________________

Strategy - This is your plan for achieving your objectives. It includes the key activities you will undertake.

  • My Strategy: ________________________________________________________________

Action Plan - These are the specific actions you will take to implement your strategy. For each action, specify the timeline and the person responsible.

  • Action: _______ Timeline: _______ Person Responsible: _______

  • Action: _______ Timeline: _______ Person Responsible: _______

  • Action: _______ Timeline: _______ Person Responsible: _______

Remember, the key to success lies in regular review and adjustment of your VPMOSA based on the evolving business environment and circumstances. Stay flexible and ready to pivot when necessary.

How did you enjoy today’s issue?

We are on a mission to make this the most valuable piece of simple, profitable content to hit your inbox.

Let us know how we can get closer to that goal & if you enjoyed it, help us out and refer a friend!

- The Simple Profits Team

PS — We have something very special dropping soon & will be looking for 20 - 30 of you to test it out early. Keep an eye out for a way to make sure it’s you.